Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In The Beginning

People sometimes say "Well you knew what you were getting yourself into when you married a man in the Army" and although it is a true statement it isn't necessarily 100% accurate. I started dating my significant other while we were in college and he was in the Army ROTC program...so in a sense yes I did know what I was getting myself into(I knew I was marrying into the Army), but what I didn't realize was the stress and pressure is much more than anticipated. All military spouses know what I'm talking about. You knew about the chance of deployment and constant relocation but you didn't know how exactly it was going to affect you and your family. Added stress sometimes ends in small arguments and keeps you wondering if you can do it. Well, where there is a will there is a way. All Army Wives and Military Wives alike can maintain a household, can be the handyman and can be the independent woman that we are sometimes forced to be. However, that doesn't mean that we don't need our husbands. Although I can change a tire, fix a leak and cut the grass I'd still be lost without my husband. He is the love of my life and although I sometimes catch myself complaining about the Army and the way things are done and the stress that adds up (specially among deployments and PCS moves) I wouldn't change it for anything. Being an Army Wife is the greatest, specially when you have a supportive husband.

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